Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tiempos Draconicos XIL: Fun things to Do Without Power

So lately there has been in my zone this trend to cut the electricity all evening (since 6:30 to 10:00 more less) thing that is extremely annoying given that, if someone has work to do in the computer they can't thanks to the electricity devices. Yesterday I was all alone at home (because i got earlier than every one else) and so, I was bored out of my mind, my cell didn't have any battery nor did my iPod, Imagine the fun of being in the dark with nothing to do but just stare at the darkness and the lonely candle I could find.


1 - Sleep (what better than to sleep ion the dark, .. what? you are afraid of the dark? oh... then turn on a candle!)

2 - Cook! (okay well if you have an electrical kitchen you can go watch the flies flies by, or eat frozen wieners, use the candle to heat them! watch it for burns!)

3 - Pick your nose (watch it from brain pokes!)

4 - Find a candle and read Your comics or something (or the label of the things in the kitchen you can't cook because you don't have a gas kitchen XD)

5 - masturbate (easy solution, difficult ending....)

6 - Take a bath.... With cold water yes, what else is there to do? just remember If you drop the soap and you kinda bend to grab it and you feel some Unnatural thing rape your ass... well, though shit.

7 - Speak on the phon... what? You phone is Wireless and the base needs power? hahahahaha

8 - remember what you were looking for last night and didnt find and take the downtime to search for it (with a candle of course.. just dont burn anything)

9 - Search for porn in your laptop. Internet? thats YOUR problem...

10 - I deviced a game its called find it find it.

You stand in your living room and blow the candle then you launch five coins to the air and pinpoint them by mere sound, And go find them in the dark. just watch it, If you slide on one and break your neck the conversation in your funeral would be like:

"so what he died of?"
"He broke his neck from a coin"
".....A... coin...You mean a penny?"
"yeah A penny. he fell from one penny and broke his neck"
".shit.. that was one hell of a penny then"
"Actually her wife has it in his forehead, shes kinda stupid"
and after that, everytime your wife or husband sees a penny They will cry their heart out


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